Friday, November 12, 2010

?What In The World Are They Spraying? Review

?What In The World Are They Spraying?� is a new documentary from filmmakers G. Edward Griffin, Michael Murphy and Paul Wittenberger that reports on geo-engineering, commonly called chemtrails. Chemtrails are trails from jet aircraft and the strange white clouds that dissipate into and linger in our skies for hours. In our analysis, we conclude that there is a solid amount of evidence that� leads the viewer to conclude that chemtrails are a problem. Chemtrails are comprised of dangerous chemical particulates that endanger our natural environment and human health.
In the future, we may be able to stop chemtrails. In the meantime, to eliminate the danger from these toxic aerosols, you may want to consider air purifiers in your home to remove the health threat.

The Documentary
?What In The World Are They Spraying? was released recently and can be purchased here. For you convenience, we have linked 7 video segments which makes up the complete film. We introduce each segment with a few of our comments.
?What In The World Are They Spraying? Segment 1
The first segment covers the American Association for the Advancement of Science Conference, in which one of the topics was� the earth?s climate. Reports were presented that indicate government testing was being conducted on weather manipulation with geo-engineering. They said that these tests were to determine plausibility. Chemtrail particulate content were mentioned including aluminum, barium, bits of paper, mylar, plastic and glass ribbons. Conference participants emphasized that military and government testing was only for combating global warming, yet some scientist thought that side effects of chemtrails may outweigh any benefits that chemtrails offer. Audience members asked if these air particles were harmful to the respiratory system.� The response was that no studies have been done on the effects of aluminua on human health, but there may be toxicological problems. Conference representatives suggested that this work needs to be kept on the table while others suggested that scientists were trying to justify their work.

?What In The World Are They Spraying? Segment 2
In this segment, author G. Edward Griffin, believes the existence of chemtrails is indisputable. Ken Calderia, a geo-engineer, talks about steering weather. The video go on with an admission that weather intervention may affect people whom otherwise would not have experienced bad weather. In another interview, chemtrails are characterized as international, and likely political. Dave Wigington, solar expert, has found toxic materials falling all around him. Tests prove aluminum and other particulates falling from the spy are ten to thousands of times higher that government standard acceptable levels. France Mangels, USDA diologist has proof that chemtrails are creating unhealthy soil and forests.

?What In The World Are They Spraying? Segment 3
The interviews continued with observations that there is a 5000% increase in aluminum in ponds over a five year timeframe. Dr. Lennery Thyme, PHD states that aluminum based chemtrails is unacceptable. These particulates build up in our arteries. They are nasty, accumulative, remain stuck inside our bodies and can?t be flushed out. They create neurological damage. Dr. Tammy L. Born, D.O., states that aluminum in our bodies is known to have cancer causing effects. These particulates damage our environment and remain there for decades. Karen Johnson, former Arizona state senator believes that chemtrails should not be allowed and points out that aluminum can damage learning, memory and cognitive abilities. She also notes that in Phoenix the acceptable level for aluminum in the air is 2 parts per millions. Recent tests measure aluminum at 39,000 parts per million. Is there any wonder why we can?t breathe, she concludes. Dr. James Rota reminds the viewer that aluminum is accumulative in our body?s and is toxic. These particles make it hard to breathe.

?What In The World Are They Spraying? Segment 4
In this segment, the video takes us to Maui to investigate the effect of chemtrials on remote, isolated locations. It reports that paradise and health are being compromised. There were hair samples tested of a young girl that show extraordinary high levels of aluminum. It is also in this segment that the question was posed on who benefits for chemtrails.

?What In The World Are They Spraying? Segment 5
This segment documents the first international chemtrail forum held in Belgium. The purpose of this forum is to understand the impact of chemtrails on health, environment and society. There were reports stating that chemtrails are not natural and information about them impossible to find. Also presented, was a list of patented genetically modified seeds. These seeds claim to be resistant to aluminum. Will we be forced to use these seeds, they question? Finally, this video recommends that we should focus on one issue ? stop the chemtrail spraying.

?What In The World Are They Spraying? Segment 6
In this segment, an attempt is made to talk to political representatives including congressmen and state representatives. These representatives do not seem to be aware of chemtrails or simply do not want to talk about the subject. Those who do speak say that more investigation is needed into the matter. Concerns about long term impacts of chemtrails are presented.

?What In The World Are They Spraying? Segment 7
This final segment summarizes the film. They note, political representatives are probably not involved, and stress that we all need to get involved to stop the chemtrails.

Air pollution degrades air quality. Poor air contains toxins and dangerous particulates. ?What In The World Are They Spraying? offers views on air pollution that includes evidence, the extent of the problem and the political interests in chemtrails. This information and many other sources continue to identify a real threat to our human health.
Chemtrail contamination enters our breathing space as particulates ascend from the sky. These are known and well understood health-endangering chemicals. They should be removed within your home with air filtration using air purifiers. High quality air cleaners easily remove the very small particulates and dangerous gases from chemtrails in the sky.
Related Articles:
Chemtrail Geo-Engineering of the Earth?s Climate
Chemtrails ? Geo-Engineering Chemicals in the Air
What Are Chemtrails? Can Chemtrails Affect Our Health?
Gulf Oil Spill Illnesses Draws Parallels to Gulf War Illness
Chemical Exposure from Common Household Products

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