Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Air Purifier Review ? 5-Key Factors Model

If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!First it was 4, now it?s the 5-Key Factors Model. Further to our most recent post, we have now included Scientific Peer Review as the fifth key factor in our air purifier review model.
Our research indicates that the lack of scientific peer reviews is a major stumbling block to all the interested parties in accepting the claims of air purifier manufacturers, no matter how reputable the latter may be. These interested parties include the scientific community such as indoor air quality specialists, environmentalists (both academics and activists), government agencies like the US EPA and NIOSH, the medical community who deal with allergy issues etc.
It is very critical to note that this problem is not confined only to the ionic air purifier industry. It also plagues all other technologies in the air purifier industry, be it the venerable HEPA and the new-kid-on-the-block (relatively speaking) photo-catalytic oxidation, etc.
It almost seems that, as an integral part of any air purifier review, the scientific peer review is the holy grail of the air purifier industry. Whoever gets it first may well have the same mythical power of leadership in the multimillion dollar business.
Given the supreme (no exaggeration here!) importance of a scientific peer review, the biggest mystery is why no one has deemed it worthwhile to produce a single review. It is understandable that no air purifier manufacturer has commissioned one since that would negate the independence factor that is central to a scientific peer review.
What is puzzling is why no scientist or researcher, especially those in the indoor air quality or environmental sciences disciplines who would seem the most qualified to do an air purifier review, considers it worthwhile to do. Being the first to produce a recognized scientific peer review in a multimillion industry must surely put one in the limelight and open doors for funding of further legitimate and worthwhile research. And we know that funding is not an issue as we have a direct quote from the US NIOSH that it is prepared to fund a scientific study that is professionally drawn up, with the requisite parameters.
The unwillingness of any scientist or researcher to embark on the quest for a truly independent scientific peer review begs the million dollar question ? is the air purification industry a big fraud? Or do the scientists view it a futile task equivalent to seeking the Holy Grail ? truth that cannot be proven? In fact, we have difficulty even finding a comprehensive independent air purifier review.
These very intriguing questions drive us to greater enquiry with our 5-Key Factors Model. The reticence of manufacturers to complete our survey questions based on the said model piques us to delve deeper, so stay tuned to our efforts.
To recap, the Air Purifier Review ? 5-Key Factors Model is as follows:
(1) Safety ? in relation to the reactive agent
(2) Safety ? in relation to by-products
(3) Efficacy ? the reactive agents work in the lab
(4) Efficiency ? the reactive agents work in the real world
(5) Scientific Peer Review.
Each factor of our air purifier review model has been explained at length in individual Ezine articles which you can access via the widget on our blog. Thousands of our readers have also published our Ezine write-ups on their own blogs for their own subscriber base. If you have not read or published the complete set of 5, you are welcomed to.
Also, do sign up at our blog too as we are about to launch our first product review using the Air Purifier Review ? 5-Key Factors Model.
Technorati Tags: Air Purifier, air purifiers, Ionic Air Purifier, ionic air purifier reviews, ionic air purifiers

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