Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Home Air Purifier Shows You How toTurn Your Knowledge Into Income

Home Air Purifier Methods to My Madness, Plans for Global Domination, & What It All Means to YOU Greetings and welcome to the engine room of Home Air Purifier Actually it's the "engines of creation" room to be more precise ... and as you'll see, these engines are indeed Turbo-charged! (mind the big red "Nitro" button) My name is Marc and I'm the webmaster, scientist, and all around "Evil Genius" behind the scenes of this humble yet prosperous little corner of cyberspace known as Home Air Purifier Herein may be found the "ghost in the machine", the "Philosopher's Stone", the "Elixer of Life", and my diabolical plans for global domination. BWAH HAAAA HA! Ok, ok...all kidding aside, I want you to know that here you may inquire within upon all things related to mastering the possibilities in your life. REALLY! I share only facts here and those facts are all verifiable in many ways as you'll soon see. I hope you find a profound degree of inspiration in those facts, as did I when I first serendipitously discovered them. The best opportunities in life are often discovered when you are not even searching for them. This is one of those times. However, a prerequisite for your discovery is for you not to let your presumptions and prejudices disuade you, lest you fail to understand how these facts relate to a better future for you and your family. This page IS very relevant to YOU, no matter what your station in life or what you are or aren't good at. Furthermore, no leaps of faith are required, but as you proceed try to tap into the most valuable inherent human characteristics you posses....your ability to think logically.. to discover..and to create. Most people fall into the traditional 9 to 5 paths in life and never find a catalysts that enables them to harness those natural traits. I think it's sad that so many people spend most of their lives in boring dead-end jobs, with little hope for the future or inspiration for changing their droll, hand-to-mouth existances. The line between bankruptcy and just getting by is all too fine for many families and a life of struggling to pay bills has a way of stiffling the freedom needed to be inquisitive and to explore and discovery new places and things. I don't know about you but I don't want to live my life like a hampster on a treadmill. I firmly believe we can affect our own destinies...that life is what we make of it...that we can and should be the masters of our own ships....that if we don't live life on our own terms, we will end up living it on someone else's! If you too feel the same way, you are REALLY going to love the information below. The purpose of this page is to share what I've found to be a truelly effective and specific nuts and bolts way to leave the herd behind and take "the road less traveled" make your own be a trailblazer, rather than just a consumer/employee cog in the government's all too coveted GDP wheel. "Like so many Americans, she was trying to construct a life that made sense from things she found in gift shops." Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse Five And if you were wondering about the other major human trait...the ability to you'll clearly see in the short videos lower down this page, I'll show you exactly how to start your own labor of love that works hand-in-hand with the love you have for your family and friends, enabling you to spend more time with them. I will prove to you that with no technical experience what-so-ever, you can share what you know about your hobbies or passions (almost ANYTHING you know in fact), to help people all over the world who are this very second searching the net for the information you are knowledgeable about (trust me they ARE searching for it this very second). It's a very big internet with trillions of global surfers and trillions of topics searched - from Himalayan Salt Lamps to bobble heads of George W. Bush (doh!) - from how to raise Llamas or how to barbecue Osterich steaks to how to quit smoking or how to build a solar energy powered home. You'll see. The topics searched for are almost infinite. Just from what you know, you can build a prosperous future of independance for you and your family without selling, soliciting, or needing to deal with customers in any way, shape, or form. Below I'll illustrate exactly how I'm currently successfully doing this with Home Air Purifier and how you too can free yourself from the corporate ties that bind! A non-brick-and-mortar back-up plan is certainly a good idea when you consider that human society is now entering a major pivot point when future prosperity is increasingly becoming less probable for many, not only in the United States of America, but also worldwide. Consider the following likely trends... Gas and food prices are soaring and will likely continue to do so. The U.S. government has it's head burried deep in the Saudi Arabian sand - with no energy policy to speak of, other than a "gas tax holiday"...Jeez! We are living in a resource constrained world in which finite raw materials and Oil reserves are increasingly dwindling and demand is sky rocketing - which will increasingly affect most commodity prices and cause massive global inflation. Corporations are increasingly "outsourcing" and "moving operations overseas" to take advantage of cheap labor and loose environmental restrictions, and slapping workers in the face by claiming they weren't productive or efficient enough as they pass out the pink slips. Due to climate change, the sources of each of our personal "carbon-footprints" will soon have to be strictly regulated and the costs of commuting will become more and more prohibitive. The ability to relocate to safer, more affordable, and less polluted cities and towns will become more of a necessity. Health-care costs and forclosures are mushrooming, while nest eggs, realestate values, and retirement funds are evaporating. So much for your comfy golden years Baby Boomers. Update...Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and Bear Stearns just got bailed out by the U.S. Government (i.e. we tax payers). Lehman Brothers just filed for bankruptcy, Bank of America rescues Merrill Lynch, and GM/Ford/and the airlines all have their hands out. And the band of privatized profits and publicized loses plays on... So how does one stay ahead of the curve in light of these macro-trends? What's your back up plan as the shock waves ripple and continue to amplify worldwide? Well....for the hundreds of thousands of visitors that arrive to Home Air Purifier every year.....all you retirees, stay-at-home-moms, teachers, students, truck drivers, restaurant workers, white-collar desk jockies, single parents, struggling single income families, layed-off bank tellers, scared depositors, 401K mourners, Jacks of all trades - masters of none, retail workers, day job haters, and anyone else - this page offers a very specific solution so that you may insulate yourself from all the above and allow you to... Eventually tell your thankless boss to "Take this job and shove it!" Live anywhere on the planet. Free up more time for play, excercise, family, and friends. Chuck your alarm clock. Create a REAL retirement plan. Contribute substantially to your childrens' educations. Do what YOU want, when YOU want, and how YOU want. So enough generallities. Let's get to the nitty gritty. I'll first start with a little background on how this website is doing, offer some free advice and tools for any webmasters, webmaster wanna-bes, or complete web "newbies" who may have arrived here. The more you read the more you'll understand...remember, be inquisitive and apply your Reason as you digest the following information. I am very proud that Home Air Purifier is now ranked in the top 3% Sept '08 Update: this site is now ranked in the top 1% (see real-time rank below) of the over 100 Million active websites on the World Wide Web today. That translates into Tens of Thousands of unique visitors from almost 100 countries worldwide arriving here every month. But it is a bit ironic that I have been able to achieve such remarkable results. You see, even though I may be literate in the language of Science, when it comes to building websites and all the mundane details that usually go along with it, I am actually pretty clueless. However, there is definately an exact method to this Mad Scientist's madness, and also some powerful, one-of-a-kind tools in my bag of tricks. These tools and methods are the secret of my success and the key to how a "newbie" like me is able to overcome all the technical obstacles that hobble even the most competant and experienced webmasters. Their high-dollar websites may be "pretty", but they often remain desolate from a traffic stand-point because their creators don't understand or harness the fundamental reality of how people find information online via keyword searches at the search engines. For example, my log files confirm that Home Air Purifier receives most of this free traffic from the major search engines: Google, Yahoo, MSN, and Ask as a result of thousands upon thousands of "long-tail" keyword searches monthly. The "long-tail" concept is one that all small-business owners need to understand because it levels the playing field like never before. You don't need a huge marketing and ad budget to compete one-on-one with the major multinational corporations anymore. That's a profound realization that came about thanks to the internet and how the search engines reward great and unique content. The power of the "long-tail" is that I don't have to worry about "Search Engine Optomization" (SEO) to try and rank highly for the high search demand, high supply keywords like "Air Purifier". Through lots of unique content, I get found for unique keyword combinations that may only get one or two searches, but there are thousands of these unique searches that people arrive to this site by, and combined they make up the majority of my traffic and eventually help me rank higher and higher for the more competitive keywords too. The Search Engines' algorithms have gotten very sophisticated in the last few years. They are able to anticipate what human net surfers like, they analyze click streams, link popularity, time spent per page, ect. Google doesn't care what my balance sheet or coffers look like; they'll reward me with ever more traffic as long as I keep publishing unique and helpful content that the visitors were searching for. And thanks to the tools and method above I don't even need to understand the details of it all, which allows me to focus on simply supplying more of what my site visitors want, helpful information. These "long-tail" searches originate from all over the world too. Clearly, interest in creating healthy homes and less toxic outdoor and indoor environments transcends all cultures and nationalities. In fact, I get visitors arriving here from all seven continents on Planet Earth and traffic is steadily increasing every month. Next year this site will likely be on this list of hundreds of informative sites in the top 1% out of all websites online! Top 20 Countries from Which Visitors Arrive to Home Air Purifier If you are a webmaster or small business website owner I challenge you to Take the Traffic Test. It will help you understand how this humble little website is drawing much more traffic than many high-dollar corporate sites, and how your website soon will too. A major key to scoring high on the above traffic test involves effectively delivering rich and unique "keyword-focused content" that people are searching the net for every day. You must build value for your site visitors. Another important factor involves finding high-value, similarly themed sites to exchange links with to TRULY increase your link popularity in a way that the search engines love. Toward that goal, I invite you to use what I have found to be the World's ONLY True-Blue, Real Link Exchanger that WORKS. And it's FREE! While there you can also grab a free copy of the excellant "Make Your Links Work". "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." Benjamin Franklin I also want to share a directory of powerful best-of-breed FREE Masters Courses and Webmaster Tools. It really is one of the best educations in online marketing you can get, and IT'S FREE! Grab them now while I can still make them available to you. Those freebies are much higher quality than similar pricey products currently for sale elsewhere. And they will bring your life, business, and website to a whole new level. And if you have a high quality website relevant in any way to the theme of Home Air Purifier please feel free to contact me so we can exchange links and thus add yet more value to our site visitors. Home Air Purifier is also significantly profitable - even though I don't sell anything on this website, nor do I have any customers. Huh? How's that? It's very simple. Just from clicks on the automaticly served Google ads you see in the margins of most of the pages of this website I earn a substantial and ever growing monthly check from Google Inc., which is the #1 internet search engine in the world. When someone clicks on an ad, I get a commision. It adds up very fast and all the details are automated by Google's Adsense system. Google uses its advanced, proprietary technology and algorithms to determine the content of each page of Home Air Purifier It then delivers ads that are contextually relevant to this site's audience and content. These ads are so well-matched, in fact, that readers actually find them useful. Therefore, clicks on the ads are plentiful and, as I said, the "pay per click" revenue adds up quickly. I also make commisions through Affiliate referals to relevant products sold by my partner websites, such as Like Google's Adsense program, producing income via Affiliate referals is also automated and very simple. When someone follows one of my special Affiliate referal links and buys anything on the site I linked to, I get a commision on whatever they buy. I'm not actually selling anything myself. I'm simply referring visitors to someone else's relevant products that they might be interested in. These simple referals can produce another stream of hands-free income that adds up really fast! There are now thousands of high quality Affiliate programs, such as's, available to website owners and the Affiliate commisions for many product referals can be as high as 50% or more. Many people make full-time incomes just from their Affiliate referals and the following book is an excellant resource for anyone who's interested in learning how to do that. A few years ago, a friend of mine gave me this excellant book. It's what got me started on my journey of discovery about how to build a full-time, hands-free income online. But I have to admit, it collected dust for a while, before I finally decided to start reading it one rainy day. Once I picked it up, I couldn't put it down and I ended up reading it several times cover to cover - and boy-oh-boy, it's been onward and upwards ever since! This book shares possibilities that made my mind race. I wish I had picked it up sooner because, as it turns out, it was the starting point for a very valuable, life-changing education. It was such a great feeling to finally learn of exact ways to gradually, in my spare time, liberate myself from having to work for some greedy corporation that would never truly value my efforts. I will always owe my friend a debt of gratitude for giving me the above book - talk about a gift that keeps on giving! I never knew of the concept of Affiliate commisions, but once I understood how simple and powerful the concept was, it was a major UREKA! moment. But, please allow me to cut you to the quick ... The most important point of the whole book was when Rosalind Gardner (the well-known author of The Super Affiliate Handbook) introduced me to SiteBuildIt! ... Mrs. Gardner recommends SiteBuildIt as an all-in-one system for simply building a high-traffic website that would help to leverage all the other tips and knowledge she was sharing throughout her book. On page 162 and 163 of the Super Affiliate Handbook, Rosalind Gardner wrote a compelling review of Site Build It. Here's a few excerpts from her review of SBI... She wrote, "Honestly, I have been amazed by the search engine rankings achieved by newbie webmasters using SBI! And I do mean TOTAL newbies." (hey, sounded perfect for me!^} Mrs. Gardner then goes on to say, "...these ecommerce neophytes [her term of endearment for SBIers] are getting excellant traffic to their sites in a very short period of time, and generating good sales results." "...when you do price comparisons, it's easy to see that you can't possibly buy all the components you need for an Internet business site separately for what SBI! costs." "Site Build It! is the perfect option for someone who wants to save time and money by buying all the website building necessities in a neatly packaged bundle." For me, her recommendation of Site Build It turned out to be the most valuable take-away of the whole book - but don't get me wrong, the rest of the book is also a treasure trove of useful information that will greatly shorten anyone's learning curve in the area of ecommerce success. But given my limited technical abilities, her mention of Site Build It really caught my eye. SBI is what I had always needed, but until her mention of it, I just never knew an all-in-one system like it existed. Now I (like all the other successful SBIers) realize that SiteBuildIt is hands down the absolute Holy Grail for becoming the architect of one's own destiny and breaking free from the Rat Race. Thanks Ros! But at first it took me a while to "get it". I was very skeptical, probably like you are right now. I hesitated because it all sounded too good to be true and I knew of many people who had fallen victim to many of the cliche get rich quick schemes that the net has become so notorious for. Most of us have learned to be very cautious about all the false promises and empty hype, and rightly so. But my caution almost caused me to miss out on becoming an SBIer. But for some reason SBI seemed very legitimate - the CEO Ken Evoy kept reiterating that "get rich quick" was a fable, that it didn't exist. And that if I was searching for a GRQ scheme that I should move on, because building a real and successful online business took hard work and time (the mascot is a turtle!) So luckily I was intrigued and kept doing my "due diligence", critically and methodically, studying all the on-going, continuously updated case studies, independantly certified proof of success, and the list of hundreds of top 1% ranked SBI sites. Yes, you could say I had a case of "analysis paralysis" for some time (it's my scientific prerogative;^). However, the verifiable evidence was just too compelling and all my digging seemed to invariably end each time with a legitimately and overwhelmingly thrilled SBIer and an accompanying highly trafficed and profitable website. In fact, many of them were now making full-time, job-replacing incomes from their SBI sites (I directly contacted many of them for my research into SBI). But the clencher for me was the no-questions-asked money-back satisfaction and success guarantee. It was finally clear to me that there was little risk, except in NOT trying SBI! And so began my journey down what has become a very scenic "road less traveled" (and yes, in the words of Mr. Frost, it HAS "made all the difference to me";^) Want to see the actual "road map"? Go ahead and browse a FREE copy of the step-by-step Action Guide all of us SBIers follow to build success. You won't find anything like it elsewhere. That's not a teaser or cut down version, it's the actual full-length SBI Manifesto that has guided tens of thousands of SBIers to online success, over and over again. It's tried and true and with all the powerful integrated tools IT ALL REALLY WORKS! It's difficult to describe everything that SBI does and to put into words how life-changing it is. But I'll attempt to describe it in a nutshell ... SBI! is the only, all-in-one, site-brainstorming-and-building-and-hosting-and-marketing, step-by-step system of software tools that made the success of Home Air Purifier and the hands-free income it now produces possible - even for a complete "newbie" like me. I and many other web novices, and pros alike, absolutely love it! I firmly believe it's the best way in the world to simply, effectively, and with only a little spare-time, build a long-lasting, job-replacing business. And everything Rosalind said about SBI in her review is absolutely true. But it's actually much better than advertised as the following heart-felt short videos indicate. Here are several pages of "Why I Love SBI" short videos made by raving SBI fans. You can really feel the emotion as they describe how SBI has, and continues to, profoundly change their lives and benefited their families. Below is one specific short video by a successful SBIer. This is Elad who started "". He explains how he was making $2000/month from his SBI site in just a few months after starting. (He has since built several related websites and is receiving tens of thousands of unique visitors to his sites every day!) If you don't have a broadband connection, these on-going case studies will instantly help you understand the possibilities. Did you catch that? - "On-going". Those aren't the usual past-tense, one-time testimonials. Those case studies are continuously unfolding adventures - evergrowing and verifiable success stories with regular updates. Now a little about one of the best features of SBI. For directly communicating and sharing advice with each other, the wonderful SBI private members' forums are priceless (our moto is, "The Place For Friendly, Success-Focused Discussion"). The forums are very well moderated and are always filled with extremely helpful individuals. In fact, a regular and one of the most generous posters is the CEO himself, Dr. Ken Evoy. He's the president and founder of SiteSell and it's flagship product SiteBuildIt. The knowledge Ken regularly shares draws on his decades of ecommerce experience and he is always happy to answer questions and offer advice to conscientiously help all SBIers succeed. I can't say enough good things about Dr. Evoy. He's a world famous eCommerce pioneer and he's truly a remarkable individual and one of those very rare people who overdelivers on everything he does. He's the best business partner and friend you could ever hope for. Want to get your foot in the SBI door for free and benefit from Dr. Evoy's rich knowledge? You can Partner with Ken and SiteSell today - it's the best free education you will ever find and it comes with a ton of perks (including a way to get a big discount off of SBI and many best-of-breed freebies you can't find anywhere else!) Dr. Evoy created and perfected the complete SiteBuildIt system of tools to over-deliver success. And there's no better testament to that than the hundreds of heart-felt discussions found throughout the forums between people from all walks of life who've been able to quit their day jobs to focus on their families. And it's all thanks to their high traffic SBI websites that now produce enough income to allow them the freedom to do what they want, when they want. Now that's what I call ultimate freedom! Success is the norm among us SBIers. We are a diverse group, but we all share a profound gratitude to Ken Evoy and his SiteBuildIt system because it effectively enables us to be the masters of our own destinies. Luck favors the prepared mind, afterall. And SBIers are definately well-prepared. I can vouch the SBI system works beautifully and Home Air Purifier is just the beginning for me. One particular stand out group of passionately successful SBIers consists of the many WAHMs who have a deep admiration for how SBI has empowered them and what's it's done for their entire families. For these Work-At-Home-Moms SBI has proven to be an absolutely god-send because it enabled them to transition from Stay-At-Home-Moms to Work-At-Home-Moms who could not only stay home and take care of the kids, but ALSO contributing financially too. With SBI it doesn't have to be a trade off. Far from it. Moms love SBI. There are also many successful Retirees - who, thanks to SBI, are now retiring TO something that is more interesting and compelling than what they are retiring FROM. Accredited centers of higher education are also selecting Site Build It! as the way to teach undergraduates, MBAs and Continuing Education students how to use the Web to build a successful online business. Many major universities (ex., University of Arizona, The Citadel Military College of South Carolina, Algonquin College, Graceland University), community colleges (ex. Macomb Community College, Northampton Community College, Santa Fe Community College) and even MBA programs have started including the SBI! system in their curriculum. And there are many successful students, who are now earning thousands of dollars per month while still going to school! No other e-business-building program has gained acceptance by the educational sector like SBI! The SBI curriculum is the only way for students to emerge from a 10-week course with more than mere theory. They graduate with a genuine business. This is an important life skill that everyone should possess. Using the intuitive and simple SBI process, students learn to build their own thriving online businesses and a winning resum at the same time. In a traditional business school curriculum, students couldn't learn what SBI teaches, nor would they graduate with their own successful business. With SBI students can more than pay their way through college. The income they build can supplement, and likely even earn more than their "real job" (after graduation). Plus they will build skills that will make them invaluable to future employers, should they chose to get a "real job" that is. The SBI system is really all anyone will ever need to work from home. It doesn't matter what your background, education, or technical experience is, all you need is your brains and motivation. SBI supplies the rest. It's perfect for just about anyone. SBI teaches you everything you could ever want to know and they supply all the integrated tools in a simple to use system that novices and pros alike have used thousands of times over to build successful job-replacing incomes online. Want to see some examples of what I'm talking about? How about Hundreds of examples of professional, profitable, and popular (all ranked in top 1%) websites built by people from all walks of life, many of whom were complete web novices like myself. Yes, your hobbies and know-how is valuable too! It doesn't get any better than SBI! There's nothing like it in the world! Trust me, I've searched high and low. So, again, thanks Rosalind. Your recommendation has changed my life for the better. You've really helped me see the light and master the possibilities! Here's some more details about Rosalind's fantastic book that got me started on the road to ultimate freedom... Read the amazing true story of how one woman, with no previous business experience, earned $436,797+ in 2002 and now earns MUCH MORE than that ... just by selling other people's stuff online! In her down-to-earth, sincere and often humorous style, Rosalind Gardner guides you through the entire process of building an affiliate marketing business on the 'Net. Frequently revised and updated to reflect industry changes, the Super Affiliate Handbook now consists of 236 pages and 124 screenshots that will show you step-by-step how to become a Super Affiliate. You'll learn how to pick the best affiliate programs, negotiate a commission raise and save time, money and effort on everything from affiliate software to web hosting. To learn exactly how she does it, Click Here. Even if you don't (yet) have a website, I highly recommend you learn about Affiliate referals hands-on by signing up right now for the best Affiliate Program on the Net. As a partner in this program you can start learning AND earning today, yes even without a website! It's completely FREE, you get access to an astonishing assortment of unique, powerful and simple-to-use tools and strategies/advice to help you succeed, both online and off. There's no strings what-so-ever. And when you do get ready to turn your knowledge into income online (like I'm doing with this very website) there's a way you can get 50% OFF of SiteBuildIt! and many other discounts, freebies, and perks as a member of the above best of the net Affiliate program. Don't worry, this has nothing to do with pyramid schemes, Get-Rich-Quick programs, or MLM - everything shared on this page is comepletely professional and credible. It's a great free, hands-on education into how Affiliate Programs work. And what better program to start learning and earning with than the best Affiliate Program on the net! You'll also be joining a unique family of successful professionals who will help you any step of the way. You'll also get access to Ken Evoy and the wonderful private members' forums - an absolute treasure of valuable experience-based knowledge. But best of all, your referals become your lifetime customers (very rare in the Affiliate universe), and you earn $75 per sale, plus annual renewal commisions on a life-changing product that sells itself and which has the highest renewal rates in the industry. Joining is a no-brainer - It's a free business AND a free education all rolled into one. And it's completely up to you what you do with it. Oh and did I mention IT'S ALL FREE! Even while I'm sleeping, or at work, or spending time with my family, or in the middle of a mountain stream trout fishing - Home Air Purifier is earning me a steady passive income - with no shipping, selling, payment processing, products, or customers. It's the perfect business, no matter what the economy does, and it's an excellant path to ultimate freedom and Liberty! And to think, all I'm doing is putting down in text what I'm already passionate and knowledgeable about. And by sharing what I know, I'm helping people all over the planet who are searching for the information online. Pretty cool, huh?! This is a great way for ANYONE to make an easy living while creating win/win situations based on your unique know-how, experience, or hobbies. You can even earn enough to quit your day job. (I am getting very close to that goal myself;^) But even after exploring all the above information, you may still be thinking that building a website is just too complicated, difficult, costly, or time consuming. That's what I used to think too..before I found SiteBuildIt! I have built this top-ranked site all by myself and in my very very little spare time (a few hours per week) - with little more online experience than what it takes to check email or surf the net. But Even if you only had four hours a month to spend on your SBI site, for .82 cents a day it's definately a worthwhile experiment that will gradually produce supplemental streams of income and a lasting equitable business to be proud of. SBI is a great family project to get the kids involved with too. Imagine letting them take part in building a family business that might just help put them through college later down the road. Talk about effective home-schooling! You CAN do this! Home Air Purifier is an ongoing testiment that if I can build a professional, popular, and profitable website, anyone can. So what passions or hobbies do you have that people would be interested in knowing about? Let Site Build It! help you find YOUR niche and your Special FREE(dom) Prize today. Click the banner above and to the right if you'd like to ask an SBI Pro any questions. Of course, feel free to contact me as well. I have much advice and assistance to give! If You Just Don't Have the Time to DIY... "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."Mark Twain ^ Top of Page Return to Home Air Purifier Index Page
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