More specs on: airborne particulates ? carpet smells
Using an air purifier in your home or office to remove airborne pollutants that studies have shown to cause and aggravate respiratory conditions is a smart move.
What often makes using an air purifier so confusing is trying to determine whether your cleaner is helping or hurting your indoor air quality. Here are 4 ways to tell for sure. What you see-If you are seeing airborne particulates when the sun shines at a certain angle through your windows, or if you furniture and floors continue to have a coat of dust regardless of how often you clean, your air is dirty.
Air purifiers real facts
Once the particules you can see fall out of the air there are still particles that are light enough to remain in the air to enter your body through your mouth or nose. If you are filtering your air and continue to see this sort of thing, it is an indication that it is not helping to the extent that you need it to. What you smell-One of the best way to determine how your indoor air smells is to take a walk around the block, or run an errand. Take note about the smell upon entering.
Odors free with an air purifier
If you bought a purifier to get rid of smoke, or cat or dog urine, new carpet smells or paint and there are still tell tale odors remaining when you walk inside, it is likely that you have a filter that does not address odors at all, or at least not the ones with which you are having a problem. What you spend-Even if your cleaner is doing the job you want it to, but is costing you a fortune because of power consumption, it?s hurting your pocket book. If it requires frequent and costly filter changes, it?s likely that you will not continue to filter to air because of the expense.
Air cleaners makes you feel better?
And if it is just eating up your valuable time with maintenance such as washing, recharging, and spraying, it is effectively changing your lifestyle but not for the good. Both time and money add up over the life of your purifier and improving your health by removing airborne pollutants shouldn?t be at the expense of other resources such as time and money. How you feel-If you are filtering your air, or even thinking about it, more than likely it is an attempt to help you feel better and to get relief from asthma or allergies that may be seasonal or ongoing.
Air cleaners ? does it filter enough?
So, for example, if exposure to cat dander makes your eyes water and your eyes water when you walk into the space that is being filtered, it?s a pretty clear indication that not enough of the pollutants are being removed to give you relief. In order for an air purifier to really effectively remove indoor particulates and odors, it needs to have numerous filters. The first 2 should be large and medium particle pre-filters that trap many of the particles you can see. The third filter should be a high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) filter that will remove particulates (invisible to the naked eye) down to sub micron size (.3 microns).
In addition it should always have an inner filter that can remove gases, odors, and chemicals as well. This combination of filters assures that your air purifier is improving your indoor air quality and overall health, thus helping rather than hurting you.
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