The Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Association have labeled HEPA purifiers as the \"best air purifiers for allergies,\" as well as for other airborne particulates like dust, dust mites, mold, and pet dander.
This is a truly remarkable system... It works just like a standard air filtration system, but the difference is in the filter. HEPA filters are made up of millions of tiny glass slivers forming a glass-paper corrugated field. Since glass does not absorb moisture, the micro-organisms that get trapped on a HEPA filter die due to lack of water.
If the EPA and OSHA have tagged the HEPA process with their \"Best Air Purifiers for Allergies\" stamp of approval, not only allergy sufferers should benefit from them. Anyone who breathes cleaner air, whether suffering from allergies or not, benefits from this cutting edge health booster.
Where can you find the Top Rated HEPA air purifiers and filtration systems? I have learned that Amazon provides great deals, and you can read reviews from previous customers. They also have a 5 star rating process, so you can see at a glance how previous shoppers just like you have rated these products.